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Your first publication

威而鋼哪裡買 | Published on the 周五 12月 31, 2021 11:26 am | 227 觀看

What is a publication ? What is it for ? With this new zone dedicated to you and your members, the publication system permits you to write articles together, to communicate some knowledge or informations you want to share. Indeed, in the publication section, it's not about making a topic to answer to each other, but to write together, to share, to make a unique content that puts in common the knowledge of everybody : tutorials, articles, news, recipes, character's files for RPG, etc... That kind of content is an alternative of the forum topics. It's optimized for the users on mobiles. How to use it ? It's up to you and your needs !

How to modify the publications permissions ?

The permissions of the publications can be modified in order to define which users, members or groups can publish, modify, moderated or read those contents. To do it, you have to look for the "Publications" moderation in the "Modules" part of your administration panel.

How to moderate the publications ?

Each new publication has to be moderated by someone before being published. Indeed, before being available online for the users, a publication has to be approved by the moderators of this section.

In this way, several members can take part of a publication redaction in order to enhance its content. Each version of the publication will have to be moderated before the members and visitors can see it.

How to access to the publication section ?

You can access to the publication section by using the main menu of the forum, and then going on the "Publication" button. The publications section has a modern, minimalist and ergonomic design, which is totally independant from the reste of the forum. The purpose it to be 100% compatible with the mobile pages and the AMP project.

What is the AMP project ?

The "Accelerated Mobiles Pages" project (or AMP) is an open source initiative, holded up by several search engines such as Google. It allows the editors to create easily a content and to load it immediatly everywhere. If you want to know more about AMP :

As a result, the pages which are compatible with AMP have an accelerated loading and a better SEO on the search engines.

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